Travelers on the Grand Tour of Europe found the newly excavated ruins of Pompeii to be an irresistible stop. Lava trinkets from these sites made for excellent and inexpensive souvenirs, easy to pack and carry. In addition, pinning a lava cameo on ones’ blouse proved the wearer to be a well-traveled person of culture and good taste. The local industry was equal to the demand and created many cameos and intaglios out of this unlikely material to the unending delight of the tourists. These beautiful carvings were set into rings, earrings, bracelets, and necklaces. Subject matter often included archaeological motifs, statesmen, bacchantes, satyrs, portraits and mythological gods and creatures.*
This darling little beauty has been converted from a stickpin, using a textured replica cigar band shank. A wonderful and unique piece that will have everyone asking where you obtained such a treasure!
Details (approximate)
Size (can be resized): 7.5
Weight: 3.3 grams
Materials: Gold, Carved Lava Cameo
Metal: 14K replica shank, Gold Filled original element
Marks: None
Condition: Excellent converted Antique condition commensurate with age and wear; inherent crack on face of stone